Interview with Christine, Founder of Ethan & Friends
Tell us a bit about yourself and your career background?
I am a 32-year-old SAHM caring for my 1yo boy Ethan. I was previously from two different industries – self-employed in the education business and full-time in banking.
Tell us about your business?
I run a HBB - Ethan & Friends - selling babies and toddlers’ products, mainly apparel.
What inspired you to start your business?
Converting to a SAHM, I wanted to keep myself productive. As I found enjoyment in dressing Ethan up for our outings, I began searching up on kids' apparel. These inspired me to bring in modern and quality kids' fashion for our little ones.
Tell us about your family?
We are a small humble family of 3. My husband is from the banking industry and he is a hands-on father juggling his demanding work schedule, caring for Ethan, and with the chores at home, as we prefer not to have a live-in helper. We are a goal-oriented team striving to achieve our dreams while providing our version of the best for Ethan.
What do you find the most rewarding about being a Mumpreneur?
Bonding with Ethan in every step of his growth and still keeping myself financially independent!
How do you manage running your business and family life?
Multi-tasking is a skill I have come to master. After Ethan sleeps I either sneak into my work office to pack orders or simply use my phone to complete admin work. Technology is helpful and so is a supportive husband who helps to feed and shower Ethan if I need to reply to customers’ inquiries. He also helps to deliver apparel to customers within our estate!
What is the biggest business challenge you encountered in your business and how did you overcome it?
Starting from zero and not being sure if I should invest in holding inventory. Strong support from the existing network is critical.
What three bits of advice would you give to a mum wanting to start her own business?
- As the age-old saying goes: 千里之行始于足下, once you have taken the first step, the rest comes naturally and you will see that women are stronger than their fears.
- How can you bring value to your customers?
- Keep meeting (the right) people. Get different inspiration, ideas, experiences, perspectives, and share your business!